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Writer's pictureSandra Reid

Christening Traditions & Gifts

While sitting here and SP Gifts is now closed until the foreseeable future I decided to start blogging to keep my mind busy and of the horrible reality of what's going on with the Coronavirus pandemic and it got me to thinking and reflecting back on the past couple of years and realised I have been apart off 100s of Christenings across Ireland particularly my home town Skerries, Co Dublin

To which I will admit brought a tear to my eye, especially with what’s happening now with Covid 19 restrictions and how much has changed and been cancelled so suddenly.

It has in one way given me the time to just breath, relax and take in how amazing my job actually was and please god still will be when things get back to some sort of normality. 

It made me realise all the hard work and the late nights had become such a huge part in your life’s not just on the christening day but for years to come when that Baptism candle for one example is reused for communions then confirmations there after, its just such a phenomenal feeling.

Initially I began to write this blog post to explain the reasons why you need a Baptism Candle & Christening Shawl and the Irish Christening traditions behind them, so let's get to it.

And please leave a comment below with your family traditions for Christenings and anything that I may have missed. I love all of this so please comment.

I will be talking about two of my main products the Christening Shawl (White Garment) and the Christening Candle both a huge part of the christening day and used after the the priest pours the baptismal water over your child’s forehead


A white garment

After the priest pours the baptismal water over your Childs head your baby is now a Christian. Your baby is then anointed with Oil of Chrism

Essentially your child has now been given the Spirit of Christ. As a sign of this a WHITE GARMENT is wrapped around your baby, for example a White Shawl or White Blanket

An old Irish tradition was for the garment to be made of pure Irish linen or Irish lace, hence where it has changed over the years to a white shawl


The Baptism Candle

Or as otherwise known as the Christening candle

A member of the family, usually the father or Godfather lights theBaptismal Candle from the Paschal candle

Some of you may be familiar with the paschal candle which is situated normally in the sanctuary of every Church. It is lit on many special occasions throughout the year

In lighting this candle, it is a reminder that the child is now a child of light and that Christ has now entered into the child’s life. The flame itself symbolises the flame of faith which will burn throughout the life of your child.

It is also worth remembering this candle will be used again at the Child’s First Communion and then again for the Child's Confirmation so it will be a keepsake that will be used not just for the Christening Day. So it is worth getting a really special one.

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